Mga Pahina

Miyerkules, Hulyo 17, 2013

Exam - No Pain No Gain

There  comes a time in every student’s life  that examination knocks in every door. Whether we like it or not we need to overcome this test either we pass it or fail.

Whenever we are going to be sat in an examination room it is never too early to start getting ready for those tests. Thorough preparation is needed that will provide us strong foundation that will give us confidence and belief that we can do them that we will get the grades we’re aiming.

I myself as a student experiencing these hard time came up with these ten tips for exam success :

1. Find your own deep and compelling reason to successfully learn your subject and pass your exams.

2. Plan your time to include study, revision and social commitments - a balance of having fun, taking breaks and studying is vital.

3. Use multicolored mind maps for your notes.

4. Review your notes regularly to reinforce your new-found knowledge.

5. Swiftly skim through your text books and course material before you read them in depth to give you an overview of your subject.

6. Learn how to remember lists of things by linking each item to a location on a journey or route you are familiar with around your environment. You could even use your own home.

7. Before you do any revision, warm up by doing some gentle exercise to relieve any tension in your body and to get a rush of healthy oxygen flowing to your brain.

8. Do past papers under thorough exam conditions as often as possible to familiarize yourself with the format and the pressures of working under exam conditions.

9. In an exam, make sure you read the question completely and fully understand what the examiner wants before you allocate your time and begin answering the questions.

10. If you are faced with a mental block breathe deeply, relax and ask yourself "If I did know the answer to this question, what would it be?"

We may keep this tips helpful. Let’s just always bear in mind that “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”. 

Martes, Hulyo 16, 2013

Windows 7 Installation (Reformat)

Windows 7’s Hardware Requirements:
  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
  • 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

How to Perform a Clean Installation of Windows 7
1st Step Preparing the DVD from the ISO image. If you don’t have yet an installer; download or buy it from Microsoft Corporation. You can also download from any kinds of torrent site. (But note: downloading and installing from torrent might cause virus to your computer. And Installing not licensed windows are illegal so be careful.
You are required burning the ISO image to DVD to make it bootable. But there are some other way by using the USB Flash Drive, download win2flash and install in your pc. (Click here to go win2flash tutorials).
2nd Setting up your BIOS; the computer might ask you to press any key like F2 or DELETE Button to boot the DVD or USB Flash Drive. You’ll need to set the BIOS’s boot order to attempt to boot from the DVD drive/USB Flash Drive before the hard drive. {Read More…}
Installation Load…

3rd Set the language in the language option by selecting the dropdowns “Language to install”, “Time and Currency format” and “Keyboard or input method”. For default setting just live everything just it is but for the non-English user select the language that suits you.

4th Click Install now to start the installation process.

5th Accept the licensed terms by checking the “Checkbox” and click “Next” to proceed.

6th Click the “Custom” button that will lead you to the installation selection screen. A normal installation results to all your hard drive will be partition (C:\, D:\ and Etc.).
    1. Partitioning – Click the drive option (advance) for the advanced partition management option like Delete, Format, New, Extend.
                                                               i.      To create a new partition, just click the new button. In the text box, enter the size of partition you want to create. Then click apply.

7th Choose the drive you like (a 15 GB size is recommended). (“Note: Make sure your files been back up because all your files in the partition you choose will be wiped out”). You may be greeted with a message “To ensure that all Windows features work correctly, windows might create additional partitions for system files”. This is a new feature in Windows 7 to have a small boot partition for system files. Click Ok to continue.

A new primary partition along with system type of partition

All are already set, the Windows 7 installation begins. Wait a few minutes.
8th Now that Windows 7 has been installed it’s time to configure a few essential settings. Type the initial user name for this computer. This user account will have administrative rights.

9th Give the user account you just created a password and password hint. A password is optional but I strongly suggest you give it one. Click next when you are done.

10th Type the product key that came with your copy of Windows 7, uncheck automatically activate Windows when I’m online, and then click Next.

It’s best not to activate Windows 7 until you are sure everything works as it should be. When you choose to not automatically activate Windows 7 you are given a 30 day grace period. If you choose to automatically activate Windows 7 it automatically activates it after 3 days as long as it has an active internet connection. Once Windows 7 is activated it’s “married” to this computer and can’t be activated on any other computers.
11th Choose to Use recommended settings so that Windows 7 automatically installs important and recommended updates.

12th Set the time zone, daylight savings time setting, date, time, and then click Next.

13th Select the computer’s network location. If you are asked to set up a Home Group, select Skip unless you know how to create or join a Home Group.

14th You‘re done! Give Windows 7 a few minutes to put on the finishing touches and you’ll automatically be logged in using the user account you created during the installation.

Make Your USB Flash Drive Bootable

In Installation process, if you don’t have an ISO image burn in DVD you can make your USB Flash drive bootable.You must have win2flash (download here if don’t have yet).  Win2falsh is an application that  makes USB flash drive bootable but it can only be used in Windows OS.

1st Download and install win2flash.
2nd Extract the zip file, Open and
 Run the application as administrator (WinToFlash.exe) then click Next.

3rd Click Accept Button then Click the button to enter Wizard mode.
4th For now, we will use wizard mode instead of advanced mode, so click Next.
5th Specify locations of files and drive
On Windows files path click Select button and
Select the Folder/ISO Image that contains Windows XP files then click OK.
6th On USB drive click Select button then Select USB Flash drive > click OK; then Click Next button.

7th Click "I Accepted the terms of the license agreement" then Continue...

8th Wait while WinToFlash is transferring Windows setup to the flash drive; then click Next and Exit.
USB Flash drive ready...

Now reboot your PC and Set up your Computer & BIOS changes. {Read More...}

Linggo, Hulyo 14, 2013

Unhide hidden files caused by viruses (USB Flash Drive and External Hard Drive).

Now a day’s people used to use USB Flash Drive and External Hard Drive to copy files like Music, Movies, Pictures and other Documents. They slipped all DVD, CD and other Optical Disc because it takes time to copy.  USB Flash Drive (Pen Drives) and External Hard Drive are portable and easy to use in some ways they are stylus.

However if some nasty viruses attacks your USB Flash Drive that will hide your entire file in the drive; what  will you gonna do?For instance, some of the files turned out into shortcut.

Now I'm gonna tell you my knowledge about the permanent solution on recovering your hidden files by Command prompt in windows operating system.Here are the steps;
1. Plug you’re USB Flash Drive (Pen Drive) or External HDD or Memory Card which is affected.
2. Go to Start -> Type CMD-> Run as administrator

3.   Find the drive letter for the connected USB flash drive or external hard drive. For Example, I:  
In command prompt, type I: 
and hit Enter. Command Prompt will show I:/

( Left, for USB flash drive.Right, for external hard drive. )

4. For USB flash drive : Type attrib -s -h /s /d *.* 
    For external hard drive : Type attrib -h -r -s /s /d k:\*.*

Make sure to put space between each element in the code.
and hit enter and wait for few seconds.

Now check your USB Flash Drive (pen drive) or external hard drive , you can see your files are back in their locations.